The Central Park 2 project has no deadline. It is an endless story of delays and failures.
Many customers have mails from officials in the company with varying dates for completion of towers 7,8 and 9 from July 2010, then Oct 2010 then end of 2010 - none of these dates have been met. In fact, it seems like all work has now come to a halt in Tower 8 totally - take a look at this :

While Tower 7 on the right has been painted and the windows have been fixed, work on tower 8 has been on a stand still for the past 3 months.

Around and inside tower 8, there is absolute chaos.
Now if tower 7 owners are asked for their payments or even offered possession, how will they live in it with all the construction around?

Just near these towers is this incomplete structure of an abandoned swimming pool which is being attempted to be converted into a cheaper amphi theatre. Whatever this structure is being made into, it will take months to complete.
In all, it is fair to say that towers 7,8 and 9 will not be ready for possession for the next 6 to 9 months. All those who have made payments for these structures might as well just sit and twiddle their thumb while the company earns interest on their money.
The only satisfaction they can is have that they paid a bit less than owners of towers 10 to 18, the construction of which has also been abandoned midway. In the past 4 months, I have not seen one new brick added to this photo :
In fact, there was not one person working on these towers yesterday. Their delivery was Dec 2010. Expect it to be completed by January. Which year, no one knows.
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